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A Guide to B2B Video Marketing [Content Strategy Tips + Scripting Techniques]

October 20, 2023
Mastering B2B Video Marketing


This post delves into the distinctive characteristics of B2B video marketing, its vital components for efficacy, and the role of a strategic content plan in ach

In the ever-evolving world of content marketing, B2B video has become an increasingly powerful tool for engaging and converting prospects. 96% of marketers (the highest ever) said video is an important part of their marketing strategy. With its unique ability to capture attention, convey complex information, and elicit an emotional response, B2B video content can effectively connect businesses with their target audience. But what sets a genuinely impactful B2B video apart from the rest? The secret lies in crafting the perfect content strategy and mastering scripting techniques to deliver a memorable and persuasive message.

Key Takeaways

  • B2B video marketing has become an integral part of modern digital marketing.
  • Scripting is essential for creating effective B2B videos that capture attention and build emotional connections with audiences.
  • Leveraging the latest scripting frameworks, tools, and techniques can help businesses maximize their impact in B2B video marketing efforts.


As more businesses recognize the potential of video to showcase success stories and attract new customers, B2B video marketing has taken center stage in content strategies. Companies invest in creating videos that demonstrate their expertise and provide genuine value to their audience, thus gaining their attention and trust. However, a major challenge that many B2B marketers face is producing engaging and memorable videos. This is where the art of scripting comes in, enabling marketers to craft content that resonates with their target audience and drives desired outcomes.

The rise of B2B video marketing has been fueled by the desire to stand out in an increasingly saturated digital landscape. Businesses are experimenting with various formats and storytelling techniques to capture the attention of potential clients. Let's cover some of the most popular types of B2B videos.

  • Educational webinars are a fantastic way to share knowledge, demonstrate thought leadership, and engage with your target audience on a deeper level.
  • Captivating case studies that highlight the success stories of clients or customers and showcase your company's problem-solving abilities and the real-world impact of your products or services.
  • Product demos that effectively showcase the functionality and unique features of your offerings, helping potential customers visualize how your product or service could benefit them.
  • Explainer videos are a highly versatile and engaging format that can break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand content, making your product, service, or subject matter more accessible to a wider audience. They can also be great for top-of-funnel content that speaks to industry-wide concepts. 
  • Testimonials, a powerful form of social proof, share positive experiences from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility with your audience.

These videos help businesses showcase their expertise, build trust with their audience, and drive conversions.

In this post we will delve into the distinctive characteristics of B2B video marketing, its vital components for efficacy, and the role of a strategic content plan in achieving marketing objectives. We'll also discuss the application of renowned scripting frameworks such as AIDA, PAS, and BAB and the role of AI tools like ChatGPT in enhancing scriptwriting.

The Rise of B2B Video in Modern Marketing

B2B video marketing has emerged as a dominant force in the digital marketing landscape. It offers businesses the opportunity to showcase their products and services in a more engaging and interactive manner than traditional text-based content. As a result, B2B videos have become an indispensable tool for driving traffic to websites, landing pages, and other online channels.

Companies are leveraging the power of video to create captivating content that informs and entertains their audience. With the growing popularity of B2B video content, mastering scripting is vital for marketers to ensure effective communication and connection with their audience through videos.

The Power of Scripting in B2B Video Content

Scripting is an essential component of creating compelling B2B video content. A well-crafted script can captivate the viewer’s attention and create an emotional connection that ultimately drives action.

By incorporating storytelling techniques and leveraging frameworks like the AIDA model, PAS approach, and BAB technique, marketers can craft video scripts that capture attention, spark interest, and motivate the desired response.

Understanding B2B Video Content

Understanding the unique aspects and key elements of B2B video content is vital in crafting content that engages your target audience. This includes tailoring your content to your audience's specific needs and pain points, as well as employing storytelling techniques and leveraging data to support your message.

This approach enables you to produce compelling content through content creation that highlights your expertise, attracts website traffic, and guides prospects through the sales funnel with effective content marketing. Doing so can drive traffic to your site and outperform other sites in your niche.

The Unique Nature of B2B Video

B2B video content is distinct from its B2C counterpart in several ways. For one, it often focuses on addressing the specific needs and challenges other businesses face, as opposed to catering to individual consumer interests.

Moreover, B2B videos are more likely to adopt a creative and unconventional approach to convey a simple message, making them more engaging and memorable for viewers. By understanding the unique characteristics of B2B video content, marketers can create captivating videos that inform and educate their audience, inspire action, and drive results.

Key Elements of Effective B2B Video Content

Three key elements contribute to the effectiveness of B2B video content:

  1. Storytelling: helps to capture and maintain the viewer’s attention while creating an emotional connection that can lead to increased sales.
  2. Articulating the Unique Selling Proposition: This involves succinctly conveying the exclusive advantages and benefits of the product or service to the target audience.
  3. Audience engagement: involves creating interactive and engaging content that encourages viewers to take action, such as subscribing to a newsletter or requesting a demo.

A clear value proposition showcases the benefits of your product or service, making it easier for your audience to understand why they should choose you over the competition.

Finally, engaging your audience and fostering a sense of connection can develop trust and loyalty, ultimately resulting in long-term customers and brand advocates.

Crafting a B2B Video Content Strategy

Creating a successful B2B video content strategy involves:

  • Aligning your videos with your overall business objectives and target audience
  • Setting clear goals for your video content
  • Tailoring your videos to your buyer personas

Following these steps ensures that your videos effectively communicate your message and drive desired outcomes.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the various stages of the buyer’s journey, or the buying process, when crafting your B2B video content. By focusing on the unique needs and challenges prospects face at each stage, you can create tailored content that guides them through the sales funnel and ultimately leads to conversions.

Set Clear Objectives for Your B2B Videos

Establishing clear objectives for your B2B videos ensures they effectively communicate your message and achieve the desired results. This involves considering the purpose of the video, the target audience, and the desired outcomes, as well as setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals to keep your efforts focused and aligned with your overall business objectives and marketing plan.

Align Video Content with Buyer Personas and Journey Stages

For B2B video content to engage your target audience, aligning your videos with buyer personas and their respective customer journey stages is vital. By crafting content specifically tailored to each buyer persona and their needs at each stage of the journey, you can create a more personalized experience that helps guide prospects through the sales funnel.

Such an approach can enhance engagement, build trust through social proof, and increase conversions.

Dive into Scripting Frameworks

Exploring various scripting frameworks can help you craft engaging and persuasive B2B video content that resonates with your target audience. These frameworks, such as the AIDA model, PAS approach, and BAB technique, provide a structured approach to creating captivating video scripts that effectively communicate your message and evoke the desired response from viewers.

The AIDA Model: Capturing Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action

The AIDA model is a classic framework that outlines the steps necessary for capturing attention, creating interest, stimulating desire, and prompting action in video scripts. By incorporating the AIDA model into your B2B video scripting process, you can ensure that your videos effectively:

  1. Capture the viewer’s attention
  2. Generate interest in your product or service
  3. Spark a desire to take action
  4. Ultimately lead to conversions.

The AIDA model is a potent tool for crafting effective video scripts that grab the viewer's attention and guide them through a journey of interest, desire, and, ultimately, action. By utilizing this time-tested framework, marketers can ensure their B2B video content is structured in a way that first captures the audience's attention with a compelling opening. Then, it stokes their interest by presenting intriguing details or facts about the product or service. 

The script kindles a strong desire by highlighting the benefits or solutions offered. Finally, it prompts the viewer to take a specific action, such as signing up for a demo, downloading a resource, or making a purchase. This strategic progression of ideas within the script, guided by the AIDA model, significantly enhances the overall effectiveness of B2B video content, making it a valuable tool in the marketer's arsenal.

The PAS Approach: Highlighting Problems, Agitating, and Offering Solutions

The PAS approach is a scripting technique that emphasizes problems, agitates the audience, and offers solutions to resonate with viewers. By highlighting the issues your target audience faces and provoking a sense of urgency, you can create a strong emotional connection that motivates viewers to seek out your product or service as the solution to their problems.

This approach can effectively drive conversions and achieve the desired outcomes for your B2B videos.

The BAB Technique: Painting the Before and After Scenario

The BAB technique is a storytelling method that paints a vivid before-and-after scenario to showcase the value of your product or service. By illustrating the challenges your target audience faces before using your product or service and then demonstrating the transformative impact it has on their lives, you can create a compelling narrative that effectively highlights the benefits of choosing your solution.

This technique can be compelling in driving conversions and fostering long-term customer loyalty.

Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB) in Video Scripting

Incorporating the Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB) framework into your video scripting process can help you effectively communicate the unique selling points of your product or service. By focusing on the features of your offering, the advantages that those features provide, and the benefits customers will receive from using your product or service, you can create persuasive video content that resonates with your target audience and drives conversions.

Understanding the FAB Framework

The FAB framework is a method of effectively communicating the value of a product or service through the elucidation of its features, advantages, and benefits. Understanding the FAB framework enables the creation of video scripts that highlight your offering’s unique selling points and demonstrate its ability to address your target audience’s specific needs and challenges.

Crafting a Compelling FAB Video Script With Examples

To create a compelling FAB video script, start by listing the features of your product or service, followed by the advantages that each feature provides, and finally, the benefits that customers will receive from using your offering. By weaving these elements together in a cohesive narrative, you can effectively showcase the value of your product or service and persuade your target audience to take action.

For example, if your product is a project management software, you could highlight its user-friendly interface (feature), the ease of collaborating with team members (advantage), and the increased productivity it brings (benefit) - a great example of a well-rounded solution.

Advanced Scripting with ChatGPT

AI-powered tools like ChatGPT can revolutionize how you approach B2B video scripting by generating prompts, ideas, and even entire scripts based on your input.

By leveraging the power of ChatGPT, you can streamline your scripting process, enhance the quality of your video content, and ultimately create more engaging and persuasive B2B videos.

Leveraging ChatGPT for Video Script Prompts

ChatGPT can generate prompts for video scripts, sparking creative ideas and inspiration for your B2B videos. By providing ChatGPT with keywords or phrases related to your product or service, the AI-powered tool can generate a script that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your target audience.

This can be particularly useful for brainstorming new concepts, refining existing scripts, and enhancing your overall video content with more inspiration.

Tips for Creating the Best Scripts With ChatGPT

For optimal scripts using ChatGPT, providing clear, concise prompts while assuring adequate context for AI to generate pertinent content is essential.

Furthermore, it’s important to review the generated text for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness, making necessary adjustments to ensure your script aligns with your overall messaging and brand identity.

Following these tips, you can leverage ChatGPT to its full potential and create captivating B2B video scripts that drive results.

Enhancing B2B Video Scripts with ChatGPT

With ChatGPT, you can refine and improve your B2B video scripts for maximum impact. Here’s how:

  1. Provide the AI tool with precise keywords or phrases.
  2. Review the generated content for accuracy and relevance.
  3. Ensure your script is engaging, persuasive, and aligned with your marketing goals.

Additionally, ChatGPT can generate ideas for topics, storylines, and visuals, further enhancing the quality and effectiveness of your B2B videos.


As B2B video marketing grows in importance and influence, businesses must stay ahead of the curve by mastering the art of scripting and embracing new tools and frameworks. By leveraging techniques like:

  • AIDA model
  • PAS approach
  • BAB technique
  • FAB framework

as well as AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, you can create captivating B2B video content that effectively communicates your message, resonates with your target audience, and drives conversions.

Stay ahead in the competitive world of B2B video marketing by continuously refining your scripting process and embracing new technologies to deliver the best possible content.

The Future of B2B Video Marketing

The future of B2B video marketing looks bright, with businesses continuing to invest in innovative formats and storytelling techniques to engage and convert prospects. As the digital landscape becomes increasingly saturated, it’s more important than ever for businesses to create B2B video content that stands out and effectively communicates their value proposition.

By staying current with trends and continuously refining their scripting process, businesses can harness the power of B2B video marketing to drive results and achieve continued success.

Embracing Script Frameworks for Continued Success

To maintain a competitive edge in B2B video marketing, embracing varied script frameworks and tools such as ChatGPT is essential. These frameworks and tools can help streamline the scripting process, enhance the quality of your video content, and ultimately create more engaging and persuasive B2B videos.

By continuously refining your scripting process and staying up-to-date with the latest innovations in video marketing, you can ensure that your B2B videos resonate with your target audience and drive conversions.


B2B video marketing is an increasingly powerful tool for engaging and converting prospects. By mastering the art of scripting and embracing various frameworks like the AIDA model, PAS approach, BAB technique, and FAB framework, as well as AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, you can create captivating B2B video content that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your target audience. Partnering with Steel Croissant can help you stay ahead in the competitive world of B2B video marketing by continually refining your scripting process and embracing new technologies to deliver the best possible content.


What is the importance of scripting in B2B video content?

Scripting is essential for crafting compelling B2B video content, captivating the viewer's attention, and creating an emotional connection to drive action.

What is B2B content strategy?

B2B content marketing is a strategy for creating, sharing, and promoting content tailored to businesses with the goal of building brand awareness and finding new customers.

What are the types of B2B videos?

B2B videos can include product demos, explainer videos, webinars, case studies, and customer testimonials, providing valuable content for businesses and their customers.

What is a B2B video?

B2B videos are a type of marketing content used to promote products and services to other businesses. Their purpose is to educate, build brand awareness, and establish authority in the industry.

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